Friday, 22 April 2011

Per's MANifesto September 1998

Per's MANifesto: A newsletter of news and opinion on
man-bashing, anti-male stereotypes and other great moral principles.
September, 1998.
WELCOME, READERS, and our apologies for our recent hiatus. We're back
in the swing with an issue we're sure you'll love if just for the
title alone. It's called "The Failed Morality of Liberalism." Does it
have something to do with Bill Clinton? How did you guess! Also,
you'll read about a really swinging teacher, and we ask the burning
question: does feminism cause cancer? Enjoy.

MANifesto is available on the web at

President Bill Clinton has admitted what was obvious to those
willing to look objectively at the facts: that he had a sexual
relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky and lied about
it. After denying the affair, after attempting to smear and intimidate
those who dared disagree with him, Mr. Clinton finally admitted the
truth only when he was backed into a corner.
The feminist response to the Clinton scandals again displays
that feminism is not a movement of principles or morality. It is a
movement of cynically calculated expediency in which the only true sin
is not being of benefit to feminism. "Per's Rule of Feminist Support"
is verified once again: to feminists, it doesn't matter how you treat
or mistreat women, just so long as you treat feminists well.
By his own admission, Clinton had engaged in the type of
behavior that usually draws the condemnation of feminists and results
in termination or worse for less powerful people. In addition, there
are numerous other accusations that have not yet been proven. In the
case of both Clarence Thomas and Senator Bob Packwood, such
he-said/she-said accusations alone were enough for the feminists to
demand that these men should be removed.
With Bob Packwood, feminists ran newspaper adds demanding to
know: If your boss stuck his tongue in your mouth, would he still have
a job?
Now we know that Mr. Clinton has stuck his cigar in a White
House intern, that he is accused of groping Kathleen Willey in a
manner that might have made Packwood blush. But Clinton still has his
job. And feminists want him to.
Eleanor Smeal, Patricia Ireland, Betty Friedan, and other
feminist leaders held a press conference to say that Mr. Clinton
should remain in office, despite a longer list of misconduct and
accusations than Thomas and Packwood combined. (1) These feminists
made it clear that their reaction to Clinton's misdeeds was entirely
political -- they like his politics, so they don't want him removed.
In other words, an act is an offense if feminists don't like
you, and it's not an offense if they do like you. Your actual guilt or
innocence are irrelevant. Truth is irrelevant. You are to be tried and
convicted based on whether you have a record of helping feminists.
And no, that is not hyperbole. Just ask Barbara Battalino,
who used to be a psychiatrist at the Veterans Administration Hospital
in Boise, Idaho. The Clinton administration's Justice Department just
had her fired and arrested for one act of oral sex in the workplace.
Battalino lost her job, was fined $3,500, and was sentenced to six
months of house arrest. She had performed oral sex once on a patient
under her care and was caught lying about it. (2)
As chief executive, Mr. Clinton is in charge of a government
that regularly punishes people for that same sort of conduct that he
insists is just between him and his family when he does it. Air Force
lieutenant Kelly Flinn was discharged when she committed adultery and
was caught lying about it. Men in the military have gotten worse
punishment for that offense, including military prison. The Army
disciplined or discharged several male drill sergeants who faced
unproven accusations of having sex with female recruits -- punishments
that feminists solidly supported. (They were sorry only when some men
were acquitted.)
The White House rescinded a job offer for Joseph Holley, who
had sold his home and moved to Washington to be a speech writer for
Hillary Rodham Clinton. He was denied the job when the White House
learned he had been a defendant in a sexual discrimination and
harassment lawsuit seven years ago -- even though he was cleared.
Hershel Gober had to withdrawn his nomination to be the Clinton
administration's secretary for veterans affairs because of
four-year-old, unproven accusations of "sexual misconduct."
And so on.
One has to wonder about the impact of all this on the military
and Clinton's power to punish soldiers or send them into danger. It
has not escaped the notice of soldiers "that if Clinton were a service
member, he certainly would be facing a court-martial on multiple
charges and likely eviction from the military for violating
fundamental precepts of fidelity and integrity." (3)
Mr. Clinton is overseeing a government that tacitly is finding
people guilty of not being Mr. Clinton.
Feminists are advocating a program of punishing people found
guilty of not being useful to feminists.
(1) "Feminists Urge Against Impeachment," By Lawrence L.
Knutson, Associated Press Writer, Thursday, September 24, 1998; 6:01
p.m. EDT.
(2) "Doc Paid Stiff Price for Lying Like Bill," Deborah Orin,
New York Post,
(3) "Military Leaders Worry Privately About Impact; Some
Troops Offended by Double Standard," By Bradley Graham, Washington
Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, September 15, 1998; Page A10

The Clinton-Lewinsky scandal has thrown the double standards
of feminism and liberalism into high relief.
Sometimes liberals are quite open about their double
standards, while other times they deny even those double standards
that are glaringly obvious. They are, for example, quite open about
their agenda to discriminate against people based on their skin color,
ethnic group, or sex, just so long as the discrimination benefits
people in the liberal camp. However, they deny they are engaging in
racial or sexual stereotypes even as they flail away at "dead white
European males," "the patriarchy," "male oppressors," and so on.
Feminists have gone to absurd lengths to deny that they have
double standards in the cases of Clinton, Clarence Thomas, and Bob
Packwood. A coalition of feminist leaders -- including many groups who
demanded harsh punishments for other men accused of sexual misconduct
-- recently rallied around Bill Clinton. They issued a statement that
said: "As feminist leaders, we will not stand idly by while a Congress
made up of nearly 90 percent men attempts to remove the first
president elected by women voters." (1)
The hypocrisy of that statement rolls richly on the tongue. We
are to understand that Congress is somehow bad. Why? Because it's
mostly male. Male equals bad. And Clinton, who has probably mistreated
and harassed more women than any president since John F. Kennedy, is
to be defended. Why? Because he was elected by women. Woman equals
And, oh, by the way: Feminists are opposed to gender
stereotypes and sexism, you know.
In a way, the Clinton fiasco provides a valuable, widely
published example of the moral dishonesty of the major feminist
organizations. It helps the public understand just what type of amoral
policies are being advanced in the name of "fairness." Previously,
this awareness was limited mostly to those who took the trouble to
examine the holes in the phony statistics, the fabricated studies, the
skewed research, and outright propaganda that feminists had succeed so
well in placing in the mainstream media. Now, the malleable and
convenience-prone ethics of feminism are manifest for all to see.
The modern hero of liberalism and feminism is Bill Clinton.
Once upon a time, Clinton said: "No question that an admission of
making false statements to government officials and interfering with
the FBI is an impeachable offense." Clinton was applying this
standard to Richard Nixon in 1974. In liberal fashion, he considers
himself exempt from the standards he applies to others.
Clinton also said: "I think it is plain that the president
should resign and spare the country the agony of impeachment and
removal proceedings." (2)
Now, of course, Clinton has been caught making false
statements to government officials. His administration some how
illegal obtained 700 FBI files, most of them on political enemies. In
the Nixon administration, Charles Colson went to prison for receiving
just one FBI file illegally.
But when Clinton acts as though the rules should not apply to
him, he is right in step with today's liberal movement: Liberals
believe it is their place to dictate moral principles, not to follow
The ethics of liberalism today are pretty much the same: Rules
are for other people to obey. Morality is something that you use to
manipulate moral people. An offense is an offense only if someone else
commits it. Discrimination, hatred, sexism, and racism are bad only
when directed at groups in the liberal fold. It's acceptable, even
desirable, to aim those same attacks at people the liberals don't like
or can't use.
If these words anger you, then show us liberal politicians who
are opposing man-bashing and anti-male policies. Show us feminists who
oppose anti-male propaganda. Show us liberals who are willing to say
that discrimination based on sex or skin color is wrong when the sex
is male and the skin color is white.
If you cannot show us such liberals, then our point is well
taken. From there, liberals will merely try to justify the bigotry and
expediency in their camp.
When morality and fairness become a topic for liberal leaders,
it consists of them telling all the rest of us what we must do and
what sacrifices we must make to make the world a better place.
Of course, this world usually ends up being a better place
only for liberals. And once they are in control of the lives of the
rest of us, they feel no compunction to practice the moral principles
they demand that we follow. They tell us it is wrong to discriminate,
to stereotype, to hate people because of their sex or the color of
their skin. And when they gain power, they actively discriminate
against us, stereotype us, and hate us because of our sex or the color
of our skin.
What is particularly scary about liberals is that there are no
liberal Commandments we can cite, no liberal book of moral teachings
we can quote, to ask them to conduct themselves in a moral and ethical
manner. If there is someone on the conservative Christian right who is
being hateful or judgmental, we can point out how these actions are
un-Christian. But how can you tell a liberal that affirmative-action
discrimination and class warfare are un-liberal when they are at the
heart of liberalism?
If a political conservative preaches racial bigotry, we can
point out that the political system they are defending insists that
all men are created equal. We can appeal to their moral conscience.
But what liberal work can we cite to ask liberals to behave morally?
"The Feminine Mystique"? "The SCUM Manifesto"? Ms. Magazine?
When feminists engage in anti-male hatred and discrimination,
many people mistakenly thought they could appeal to feminism's moral
conscience by pointing out that feminism (supposedly) was opposed to
such gender bigotry. After several decades of trying to do so, those
people have only wasted their breath, and feminism has gone on
promoting anti-male hatred, anti-family and anti-father sentiments,
and discrimination.
This is because feminist literature and Women's Studies
courses are not about fairness or equality -- they are about sexual
partisanship -- female chauvinism and bigotry.
Accusing feminists of gender bias does not faze them. They've
never really been against it. Oh, it's wrong if *you* engage in gender
bias against them, but they feel entitled to wield that sword
Feminist programs on "domestic violence" are not aimed at
ending violence in the home. They are aimed only at ending violence
against women. Women's violence -- against men, against children, and
against other women -- is not a concern of the "domestic violence"
activists. Violence is only wrong when done to them, but not when done
by them.
Feminist programs on language have managed to replace
"chairman" with "chairperson" and "policeman" with "police officer,"
while maintaining "con man," "bag man," "hit man," "gun man." Feminist
programs on the Bible have tried to remove references to God as male
or as a father -- while keeping the devil male. Feminists strive to
remove what they see as bias against women, while also reinforcing
bias against men.
We can't ask liberals to behave ethically because their ethics
are fluid and situational at best. They define some group as the
"oppressor" and some group as the "oppressed." Then any attack a
supposedly oppressed person makes on a human being who is pigeonholed
as an "oppressor" is deemed a noble act of liberation, retribution,
and freedom. Maybe you just didn't realize you were an "oppressor"
when you were denied a job for being male.
That's why the feminist movement, which came to power claiming
to oppose gender discrimination and stereotypes, immediately began
practicing gender discrimination and stereotypes. Why? Because they
were discriminating against the male "oppressor" in favor of the
female "victim." It didn't matter if the man they were discriminating
against came from a poor background and the women benefitting from all
this were upper-class. Goodness and badness were assigned by your
group. The "good" people could then use the dirtiest of tactics,
including but not limited to character assassination, false
accusations, phony science, gender discrimination, censorship,
intolerance toward differing views, and even violence, to attack the
"bad" people and benefit the "good."
In liberalism there are no "shall nots." There are no actions
that are wrong no matter who does them. There is only "thou shall not
do this to me, but I can do it to you."
And they do.
Bill and Hillary Clinton came to office promising the most
moral administration in the history of the republic. They have left a
trail of lies, bribery, abuses of power, defiance of the law, invasion
of privacy, corruption, misrepresentation, smear tactics, dirty
And through it all, the Clintons have been perfect exemplars
of liberal morality. They have committed every offense they supposedly
objected to -- they objected to them only when they were done by
someone else.
Looking back on the Watergate scandal of Republican President
Richard Nixon, we realize that Nixon would never have been removed
without the actions of many Republicans of conscience who decided
Nixon had gone too far. In the Clinton scandal, a similar sense of
conscience has been glaringly absent from the Democratic ranks.
Senator Joseph Lieberman made a brief and heartfelt objection to the
immorality of Clinton. But Democratic loyalists have since closed
ranks around the president. Perjury and obstruction of justice? They
are sins only when someone else commits them.
(1) "Clinton Team Regains Optimism As Battle Moves to
Political Realm" John F. Harris, Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday,
September 25, 1998; Page A18

(2) "Release of Clinton Tape Delayed: Partisan Bickering
Forces House Panel to Continue Debate Today," By Juliet Eilperin and
Peter Baker, Washington Post Staff Writers, Friday, September 18,
1998; Page A01

The feminist movement is known for continually sounding the
alarm that the rights of women are supposedly being eroded.
Of course, it's a pretty odd catalog of rights. Like the right
to sever your husband's penis, or to kill him while he's sleeping. The
right to be free of discrimination while practicing it against others.
The right to take out your hostilities on men in a workplace that must
be free of hostilities against you. The right to have any man fired on
the unprovable claim that you were made uncomfortable by his jokes,
even if you tell the same kind of jokes yourself.
Now another "right" seems to be eroding: the right to take
drugs while pregnant, to subject an unborn child to a lifetime of
crippling maladies or premature death, and then dump the
responsibility on society.
In Aurora, Illinois, Cynthia Smith was sent to jail after
giving birth to five babies born with cocaine in their systems.
Our reaction is not "Oh, it's her body, her choice, her rights
are being violated."
Nope. Our reaction is, "Why did it take so long?"
According to a Chicago Tribune article, "Beginning in 1992,
Smith gave birth to a cocaine baby each year for five years. The last
baby was stillborn in 1997."
Technically, Smith wasn't jailed for harming the children. She
was jailed for violating her probation by testing positive for drugs
and for missing sessions with her probation officer and a drug
rehabilitation program.
If a male drug user had punched a pregnant woman in the
stomach and caused damage or death to the fetus, we doubt he would
have been let loose to do it four more times.
("Woman Jailed For Using Drugs While On Probation,",1051,SAV-9808060276,00.html)

Here's a letter we just received relating to Tracie Ribitch,
the 19-year-old Macomb County, Michigan, woman who stuffed gauze into
the mouth of her newborn child and left it to die. She was sentenced
to lecturing teenagers about safe sex. (We first mentioned this slap
on the wrist in the March 1997 issue of MANifesto.)
Then we got a letter purporting to be from the brother of Ms.
Ribitch. It says:

To: <>
Subject: Fuck Off
From: "Frank J. Ribitch III" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:57:28 -0400
Dear asshole
My name is Frank J. Ribitch III, the brother of Tracie
Ribitch. Until you known all of the facts on my sisters case, shut the
fuck up. The only things you know on the case are the lies the the
local media publishes. By deleting words from quotes, an new quote
meaning the exact opposite of the original is created, which the media
did. You want the truth, go to the court transcripts, not the press.
Because of assholes like yourselves, my family was fucked over. Fuck

Our response: We can understand your desire to protect your
sister, but we also know what the facts are. An innocent and
defenseless child was killed. Ms. Ribitch was "sentenced" to giving
lectures to teenagers. We can't help but wonder how this is going to
be received by that teenage audience. It presents to impressionable
teenagers that you can kill a child and receive an absurdly light
sentence. What if a member of that audience decides that this form of
punishment is worth it to get out of parenthood?
If you really are Ms. Ribitch's brother, then the child that
was killed was not some inconvenient "choice." It was your niece or
nephew. We think people should feel some obligation to protect those
lives, as well.

Does feminism cause cancer? No, we're not talking about the
moral rot of shifting principles and situational ethics so common to
feminism. We're talking about skin cancer.
Cancer experts in England say that children are going to be
more vulnerable to skin cancer because teachers have been told not to
help students apply sun screen. The reason: fear of sexual harassment
The Local Government Association and teachers unions are
telling teachers they should refuse to apply sun screen to students
even if the parents request it.
According to an article in the Electronic Telegraph: "Cancer
experts urged the LGA to reconsider, pointing to research showing that
children who suffer severe sunburn are twice as likely to develop skin
cancer later. Kate Law, of the Cancer Research Campaign, said: 'A lot
of youngsters are going to do a haphazard, dabbing job. It is a great
shame they can't be helped.' "
Indeed it is a shame. But the shame is not on the teachers.
Much as we regret this situation, we can't blame them.
Feminists have fostered an atmosphere of paranoia in this area. We
can't blame people for being too careful after teachers and day-care
operators have had their lives ruined over imaginary offenses:
"satanic" cults that didn't exist, "ritual abuse" that never occurred,
and false memories brought on by the darling of the feminist movement,
Recovered Memory Therapy. If you can have your life ruined by the
phantoms running through the twisted imagination of feminists, how can
you blame people for being careful?
Now that feminists have made people afraid to protect students
from skin cancer, they can go back to defending a president who
applies cigars to a White House intern.

Meanwhile, more bad news from the U.K. An article in The
Guardian states:
"Men are turning away from careers as primary school teachers
because they fear being branded perverts for showing an interest in
working with young children, according to evidence presented yesterday
to the British Educational Research Association conference in
"... Mary Thornton, a researcher at Hertfordshire University
specialising in male teacher recruitment, said physical contact with
children was one of the key concerns brought up by men on teacher
training programmes."
" 'For females, working with young children is viewed as an
extension of the mothering role. When males opt for primary teaching
or work with young children, it is perceived as unnatural... Fear of
such perceptions is present amongst these students and may be a factor
in deterring men from work with young children,' Dr Thornton said."
The article also notes that David Hart, general secretary of
the National Association of Head Teachers, said that if the research
is correct, it is a horrifying reflection of the fact that teachers
are becoming obsessed by the risk of prosecution for child abuse,
though he expressed skepticism as to whether it was so.
When we hear of such fears and stereotypes, we wonder who
benefits from them.
Figures show that female teachers in nursery and primary
schools outnumber men by about five to one. There is no equality
there. When a situation is biased in favor of women, you no longer
hear feminists calling for equality.
Now is that because women make such better teachers?
Ask the students of Hermina Brunson.
In New York, this substitute teacher has been arrested and
charged with bashing students with chairs. Her reason: she wanted to
stop the class from making noise.
Brunson, 64, allegedly injured two 11-year-old students by
swinging metal-and-wood chairs at them.
One of the injured students, Olivia Boyd, said Brunson hit her
on the left side of the face. "I ducked twice and she hit me on the
cheek with the chair the third time," she is quoted in the May 6 New
York Post.
The ensuing investigation revealed that Ms. Brunson had
previously been banned from city schools for a year for using corporal
punishment, but she was somehow rehired. Schools officials are at a
loss to explain that.
Remember, don't be sexist when you refer to Ms. Brunson. She's
a chair woman, not a chair man.
And in Fukuoka, Japan, nine women have been charged with
robbing more than 50 businessmen after the men drank too much. The
women are accused of taking more than $150,000 over four years from
their inebriated male victims.
You go, girl.
Straight to jail, that is.
When they get out, these women should have a great future
ahead of them. They have all the essential talents of an affirmative
action director.
(1) "Abuse alert over school sun cream," Daniel Waddell,
Electronic Telegraph,
(2) "Male teachers fear slurs: Primary school careers
'tainted,' "By John Carvel, Education Editor, The Guardian, Saturday
August 29, 1998,
(3) "Police arrest nine Chinese and Korean women for crime
spree," the Associated Press, May 30, 1998.)

We were encouraged to see that September 21-27 was the 10th
Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Week. Kudos to The National Men's
Resource Center for publishing much valuable info on its website at
Here's what Gordon Clay, Executive Director of The National
Men's Resource Center has to say:
"The first year of the program (1989), there were fewer than
100 screening centers in the United States. Today, this number has
increased to over 1000 locations providing free or low-cost prostate
cancer screening. ... This public awareness and education program was
conceived and instituted by the Prostate Cancer Education Council
(PCEC) which represents urology, oncology, patient advocacy,
minorities, clinical and behavioral research. Because of the alarming
percentage of men presenting advanced, incurable prostate cancer, the
PCED was formed in 1988 to promote awareness, screening and early
detection of prostate cancer. General Norman Schwartzkopf has served
as national PCAW chairman since 1994 and in 1996 actor Danny Glover
joined as co-chairman in order to help recruit African American men,
who have the highest risk of prostate cancer in the world. Over
300,000 men will be diagnosed this year and 41,000 will die because
they didn't get an examination soon enough."
The National Men's Resource Center
PO Box 800, San Anselmo, CA 94979

1.) Blames the White House travel office. Has them fired.
2.) Hillary stands by her man ... just not so close.
3.) N.O.W. is brought in to declare that everything smells
just fine.
4.) When he says he didn't inhale, this time we believe him.
5.) White House mysteriously loses the receipt to Bill's
Bean-A-Rama Mega Meal at Taco Bell.
6.) Bill defines "farting" to not include flatulence.
7.) Turning green and fainting is declared to be a sign you're
a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
8.) But most important of all ... DON'T LIGHT THAT CIGAR!
Per's MANifesto is a monthly newsletter containing news and opinion
for people interested in gender equality and gender stereotypes.
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With a link to The POW Page! -- a collection of favorite satire
featuring Colleen Hyphenated-Lastname and the Propaganda Organization
for Women.
You can find Per's MANifesto on the Usenet each month in, alt.feminism, and alt.mens-rights.
(MANifesto is copyright 1998by Per. Please feel free to copy,
forward, repost, fax and otherwise distribute MANifesto. If you
excerpt any section, please excerpt it in its entirety.)

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