Monday 4 April 2011

An excerpt from my old anti-feminist geocities page


To move onto something completely different, a woman scorned was the Madame de Montespan. She was the lover of King Louis XIV of France and was scared of falling from his affections, so she took to withcraft and human sacrifice in a cult of well-known demonologists and poisoners much frequented by the french upper classes for the purposes of speeding inhereitance and bumping off unwanted husbands. I'm aware of no case of a husband killing his wife in this manner and, given the medieval superstition, although not a superstition entirely without basis, that it is impossible for a son to kill his natural and father and therefore all patricides must be bastards, it may be that faithless wives were the cause of most of the killings.

As the Welsh Triads (Trioedd Ynys Prydein) say:

Three faithless wives of the Isle of Britian: three daughters of Culfanwyd of Britain: Essyllt Fair-hair, mistress of Trystan, and Penarwan, wife of Owain son of Urien, and Bun, wife of Fflamddwyn; and one was more faithless than those three: Gwenhwyfar, wife of Arthur, since she shamed a better man than any of them.

Back to the evil Parisien cult, they would conduct human sacrifices of small children, babies (brought, presumably from their mothers, for as little as one crown). They are knwon to have killed hundred of children in this manner, often using naked women (including Montespan herself) as altars. Modern abortionists could be said to be doing something similar. Burning the corpses of the unborn to their unclean owl god. This is something the Old Testament specifically prohibits. Yet today, at Bohemian Grove, the rulers of the world band together to offer up sacrifices to a 40' stone owl!

So much for democratic society. How many people would vote or THAT!?

Don't think the same thing doesn't go on today as went on in 17th and 18th century France, here in our own more civilised countries. There are, I have no doubt, many modern Gilles de Rais' out there conducting their evil ceremonies, killing babies on ruined altars in abandoned churches. We have, as you have read above, women dancing naked on pews singer prayers to themselves and the "goddess" represented by a red dot on her forehead. We have abortion praticed and advocated by Nazis and their modern survivals, the UN and the feminist movement, we have feminists in domestic violence shelters, women's refuges, rape crisis centres and the like willing to do anything to help women get what they want in divorce settlements and so on, even if those women don't want to get divorced. We have Battered Women Syndrome, to get women off responsibility for their crimes.

So, then, what are the odds that there is a wiccan coven somewhere, not to mention the less public, less acceptable, face of witchcraft full of feminists, perhaps new age herbalist types expert in poison (feminists are often new agers, like that mad Starhawk woman), who are feminist and are willing to help women dispose of their husbands, rather than merely enslave them and take their children away or cover up for them after they've commited the crime on their own recognisance? It's certain. How many husbands are murdered each year but without the truth appearing on their death certificate due to a feminist coroner or a subtle method of murder, such as poison? How many children kidnapped by social services end up part of foul orgies, satiating the terrible lusts of demonolaters and devil-worshippers? In short, how many cults (no doubt mostly among rich and middle class women, as with the montespan cult, sexually frustrated housewives who like being a naked altar which is ravished by satan, doctrinaire aging feminists who like seeing babies suffereing and dying and so on) such as the Montespan cult exist today? The answer is: ONE. The name of this murderous and inhuman cult of satanists and demoniacs, lesbotic perverts and blood-drinking lizards is FEMINISM.

Oh yes.

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