BOTTOM LINE: The so-called “Black Feminist” movement was created and manipulated by the CIA from the very beginning. The only difference between Black Revolutionaries and Black Feminist on this issue is that the Black Revolutionaries KNOW they were infiltrated and manipulated—But Black Feminist are still unwilling to admit that they were infiltrated and manipulated, largely because they are highly invested in the hateful brand of Black feminism. As a result, the “Hate Black Men” movement has become MORE THAN just a political point a view: It is now a central part of the CULTURE of Black women and this fact has led to the destruction of the Black Revolution and the complete distortion of Black relationships. And the CIA had a direct hand in creating this situation.
Quite right, of course. Black women, in education and the professions and so on, are doing every bit as well as white women today, while white men lag behind, and black men lag somewhat further behind.
I'm going to go through some of the fact presented, and lay out the implication for those who favour conspiracy theories, but still go in for feminism on the delusional premise that it is a movement which favours social justice.
FACT: Gloria Steinem is a CIA Agent and everything she has ever done throughout her adult life has been under the direction of the CIA.
It is a fact well established that once a spook, always a spook.
FACT: Gloria Steinem was recruited into the CIA before she even graduated high school.
FACT: Gloria Steinem, who was from a poor and dysfunctional family and lived in a house without running water, was able to attend the elite and expensive Smith College. After she graduated she spent two years in India spying for the CIA. She received a “Chester Bowles Student Fellowship” to “study” in India. This was a Fellowship created by the CIA to cover Steinem’s expenses in India—no one has received a “Cheater Bowles Student Fellowship” either before or since Steinem received one.
Plucked from obscurity. I've always wondered if she was one of those Monarch girls. Of course, she didn't end up with a country musician, but dating a senior spook in stead.
FACT: In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA’s Cord Meyers to direct the “informal group of activists” now called the “Independent Research Service.” This was part of Meyer’s “Congress for Cultural Freedom,” which created magazines like “Encounter” and “Partisan Review” to promote a left-liberal chic to oppose Marxism. It was this operation that Steinem’s “student festivals” was a part of. Besides spying on students, Steinem also acted as an agent provocateur, helping to provoke riots.
Of course Encounter also helped support the right wing of the Labour party, and the eventual foundation of the evil and treacherous Liberal Democratic party. I don't know if the CCF was involved in Ms Magazine, but Steinem reportedly regretted not replacing CIA funding with corporate funding sooner.
FACT: Gloria Steinem was considered a CIA “whiz kid.” A CIA Operative named Samuel Walker, who made a career out of publishing and became president of Walker & Co. (a New York City publishing firm founded in the same year as the CIA funded Publications Development Corporation) worked well with Steinem.
Walker evaluated Gloria Steinem’s contribution to the CIA operations thusly:
“Gloria’s group continues to do yeoman service, distributing books etc. to the point where the cry has gone up ‘Never before have so many Young Republicans distributed so much Socialist literature with such zeal.’” Walker praised Steinem’s “female intuition” and wrote, “Gloria is all you said she was, and then some. She is operating on 16 synchronized cylinders and has charmed the natives....” (C.D. Jackson to Cord Meyer, 7/14/59, with attached Walker diary; Walker to Jackson, 7/31/59, DDE.) In other words, Gloria Steinem was NOT a naive dupe of the CIA, she was a highly motivated agent who took her own initiative to move against fellow students for the CIA.
Right wing, is feminism.
FACT: Gloria Steinem worked with Carlos Bringier, the anti-castro Cuban who staged the famous WDSU interview with Lee Harvey Oswald.
Yet another link, along with Meyers and Forsling Harris, to the JFK assassination. Looking into Steinem, I'm telling you, it makes me feel like Daniel Hopsicker.
Combined with the following three, it really paints a picture of her at the centre of a web of intrigue through all the sinister events of the twentieth century.
FACT: Gloria Steinem dated J. Stanley Pottinger for nine years. Pottinger was in charge of sabotaging civil rights enforcement at the Justice Department (he was assistant attorney general) under President Nixon and President Ford. According to Donald Freed & Fred Landis in their book “Death in Washington”, J Stanly Pottinger also helped to cover up the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Orlando Letelier. Pottinger also publicly defended Gloria Steinem against charges of CIA involvement—which Steinem had already admitted. Why would a “radical feminist” like Gloria Steinem be anywhere near a guy like Pottinger, unless she was a government employee herself?
FACT: Gloria Steinem dated Henry Kissinger—a international war criminal, establishment technocrat, and a long time CIA operative—for years. Why would a “radical feminist” date someone who was considered a mass murderer by EVERYONE in the movement? You be the judge.
FACT: When this covert operation was revealed by Ramparts magazine in 1967, Steinem told The New York Times that she approved the Agency’s role. “I was happy to find some liberals in government in those days who were far-sighted and cared enough to get Americans of all political views to the Festival.” Steinem’s definition of a “liberal” then included such young men as Zbigniew Brzezinski, an assistant professor at Harvard. Steinem arranged to fund Brzezinski’s visit to the “student festival.” Brzezinki would later become the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) and he was the man who invented the so-called “Bear Trap” which suckered the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan. Brzezinski was also the man who first organized and funded Osama Bin Laden’s “Jihad” against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Gloria Steinem also identified and targeted Alice Walker in the early 1960’s. She befriended Alice Walker and paid for Alice Walker to come to the CIA-manipulated “student festival” in Vienna. Alice Walker would later become the foremost writer of anti-Black male hate books— all of which were funded by money funneled to her publishers by the CIA.
That site: a must read.
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