I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA.
Typical COINTELPRO tactics. Steinem, of course, tried to silence this information. Feminists hate our freedoms. Of speech, especially.
So, again, we have Gloria Steinem, associated with the Independent Research Service, a documented CIA domestic funding conduit. We have her making statements about the "fact" that the CIA is a liberal and far-sighted organization. And we have her attempts, through attorneys and major stockholders in Ms. [magazine], to attempt to suppress the information concerning her affiliation with Independent Research Service. In addition, she's 9-years-involved with one of the Nixon/Ford administration's Assistant Attorneys General (Stanley Pottinger), this one in charge of civil rights, whose name crops up in connection with a major arms smuggling scam. So, nothing conclusive, but very interesting indeed.
To be clear, the CIA is NOT pledged to the destruction of capitalism. As Mussolini said, fascism is corporatism.
Continuing to quote from Henry Makow:
Raised in an impoverished, dysfunctional family in Toledo Ohio, Steinem somehow managed to attend elite Smith College, Betty Friedan´s alma mater. After graduating in 1955, Steinem received a "Chester Bowles Student Fellowship" to study in India. Curiously, an Internet search reveals that this fellowship has no existence apart from Gloria Steinem. No one else has received it.
India of course is a centre of world occultism, close to Tibet of the "hidden masters". Chester Bowles was US Ambassador to India. Feminism was all about replacing left wing, marxist and anti-war movements with "liberalism", feminists and that sort of thing with no real understanding of justice or interest in pursueing it, interested only in their own power.
In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA´s Cord Meyers to direct an "informal group of activists" called the "Independent Research Service."
Steinem, attended Communist-sponsored youth festivals in Europe, published a newspaper, reported on other participants, and helped to provoke riots.
Communist groups are often controlled by the CIA, tyrants get along well together, whether Capitalists or Communists ("state-capitalists" as Orwell called them).
Ms. Magazine´s first publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John Kennedy´s Dallas motorcade route. Despite its antiestablishment image, MS magazine attracted advertising from the crème of corporate America. It published ads for ITT at the same time as women political prisoners in Chile were being tortured by Pinochet, after a coup inspired by the US conglomerate and the CIA.
"women political prisoners", should be "female political prisoners", this is feminist grammar.
Feminism is the system in power, a despotic system, therefore it is the duty of all socialists to overthrow it.
And from blacktown.net:
The following ads prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what we have been saying.
Now, all the critics, cynics, and nay sayers of blacktown.net will have to shut their mouths. Thus, henceforth, blacktown.net does not plan on debating whether Women's Liberation was a conspiracy or not. We have presented mountains of obvious evidence and now rest our case!!! COURT DISMISSED!!!!
From conspiracy.net (now 404):
Another link between the feminists and the SS is the common view they hold of the so-called prehistoric venus figurines, which were held by the feminists to be evidence of a pre-historic matriarchal and/or goddess worshipping civilisation which was displaced by invading patriarchal "Kurgans" (feminists also claim to have found Kurgan graves with armed women, making them the feminists pre-historic idyll, but consistency has never been a stron suit of feminists), as the Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler held that the Aryans had conquered Europe from a race of big-bottomed Jew/Hottentots (fat is a feminist issue, you know), and idea he based on the so-called Venus figurines. The Women's Studies groups therefore take the role of the SS, especially of the Ahnenerbe, manufacturing evidence for female Baltic societies as the Ahnenerbe manuctured evidence for Hans Horbiger's deluded World Ice Theory and the ancient origins of the Master Race in Tibet.
Planned Parenthood, the continuation of the old Eugenics societies, is another like to the Nazis and to the modern world elite and their obsession with population control.
The idea behind Nazi eugenics, as with feminist eugenics (the abortionists target blacks, the poor and other unfit members of society) was to take us, the Master Race, back to a previous time, before we had been seduced into interbreeding with our inferiors, when we had weird magic powers, for the Master race had descended from heaven. So agree the feminists, that women had weird magical powers before the Kurgans came along.
Aryan giants with psychic powers being dragged down by Jewish interbreeding or goddess-worshipping matriarch dragged down by Kurgan conquest and the ensuing patriarchy, it's very much the same thing. Not surprising given the links between Nazism and the feminist movement, through Gimbutas and the CIA.
And, as the Ashtar and company contacted the Nazis through the Vril society and the mediums it employed so the feminists practice Baal-worship by burning the unborn on their unclean altars.
And what profession is, more than any other, more even than the media, infiltrated by feminism? Social work! The Nazis were paedophile and child-murderers, so it must be hilarious to them to see people being falsely accused and families being destroy by teachers and social workers EVEN AS their own successors in the CIA and Military Intelligence PsyOps, along with senior politicians and members of the Country and Western Establishment get away with it, scot-free. The false accusations also serve the purpose of making people doubtful of the truthful accusations, such as those against Michael Aquino.
It doesn't help that feminist groups make most of these false accusations, no doubt at the behest of their paymasters. Their's also lots of money to be made from lawsuits and the government compensation which pays women to make accusations of rape with no regard to their veracity.
Not only are aborted foetuses being used as a source of stem cells for beauty treatments but LIVE HUMAN CHILDREN are being kidnapped by doctors in the Ukraine and harvested for their brain and organ tissue to be liquidised and injected into the face of wrinkly Western women, according to the BBC (Radio 4's "Stem Cell Swindle II").
A single human foetus can sell for as much a £17,000 if it's determined to be a good source of stem cells. Expensive but medically dubious procedures are carried out with liquidised infant organs and foetuses.
Live, post-birth, children are being taking from women and hacked up to get at their juicy, stem-cell rich, bone marrow, their brains are being sucks out and their mangled corpses disposed of in mass graves.
As if it wasn't sick enough to put the foreskins of mutilated young boys into face cream, now whole children and entire embryos are being used in the same way, to facilitate the profiteering of a small group of Mengele-like fraudsters and to save the rich white woman from sagging jowls and unyouthful looking skin!
"I was never asked to report on other Americans or assess foreign nationals I had met." -- Gloria Steinem
The Red Stockings charge that this statement is an alarming lie. In a "Report on the Vienna Youth Festival" printed with Steinem's name on it as director of the Independent Research Service, there are 13 pages devoted exclusively to biographies, political affiliations, and even some superficial analyses of persons from all countries participating in the festival. Youths were monitored in much the same way at the 1962 World Youth Festival in Helsinki. In addition to the news and cultural events put on by the Independent Research Service, the Helsinki festival was marked by four nights of "spontaneous" rioting against the festival during which 40 people were arrested. It was reported by Newsweek in August 1962 that "Pravda, of course, blamed the disturbances on well-financed CIA and FBI agents."
(Interrupting briefly. Of course remember that Newsweek is published by Katherine Graham. We're going to be coming to her role in setting up Ms. [magazine] in just a minute.)
This is Gloria Steinem's background from the late 1950s and early 1960s. She functioned as a secret representative of the American government abroad. At least, she was representing certain American interests, and her activities in the Independent Research Service involved her inextricably with the U.S. domestic political intelligence network.
Another fact exhumed by the Red Stockings is the group's [Independent Research Service's] publication of a pamphlet in 1959 called, "A Review of Negro Segregation in the United States." Steinem's name is listed on the inside cover, this time as co-director of the Independent Research Service. The pamphlet focusses on the supposed advances made by black people in the U.S. For example: "Beyond the noisy clamor of those who would obstruct justice and fair play, no alert observer can be unaware of the concerted effort to rule out segregation from every aspect of American life." The reason some discrimination does still occur, according to the research group, is because "it is also self-perpetuating, in that the rejected group, through continued deprivation, is hardened in the very shortcomings, real or imaginary, that are given as the reasons for the discrimination in the first place."
In other words, the oppression of blacks continues not because of white, ruling-class interests, but because black people actually have become inferior.
By 1967, the Independent Research Service was declared "largely inactive" by the New York Times. Steinem, however, was still a director in 1968 when Ramparts [magazine] broke another story. This time they disclosed that the CIA had plans of their own for another World Youth Festival to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. A scandal involving some confidential letters implicating the CIA, which found their way into print before the festival, had the effect of curtailing the CIA's plans for youths in Sofia.
It was during the following year, 1969-70, that Gloria Steinem first began publicly identifying herself with the Women's Movement. Around this same time, Red Stocking researchers noted there was a change in the biographical information listed about Steinem in *Who's Who*. Reportedly, *Who's Who* sends data sheets to their subjects requesting them to furnish the details. The 1968 and '69 edition was the first issue ever mentioning Steinem, and at the time she was listed as "Director, educational foundation, Independent Research Service, Cambridge, Massachusetts/New York City, 1959-62. Now member Board of Directors, Washington." By the 1970 edition of *Who's Who*, this entry was shortened to "Director, educational foundation, 1959-60." No mention of her position in Washington on the Board of Directors appears, and she abbreviated her term of employment with the Independent Research Service to one year. The censored version appears in each successive edition of *Who's Who*.
There does seem to be an attempt on Steinem's part to mislead Ms. readers and conceal parts of her past. For instance, her bio-blurb in June 1973 Ms. is even vaguer: "Gloria Steinem has been a free-lance writer all her professional life. Ms. magazine is her first full-time, salaried job."
Her romantic history is also interesting: Do not forget that Gloria Steinem dated Henry Kissinger at one time. Kissinger is a big name in the Monarch mind control community. Perhaps that's how he got Steinem on side. I hear she was a looker in her younger days. Induce some easily controlled alters. Normal way of setting up spies. Perhaps she's just a victim in all this, albeit an evil one.
An interesting bit of information here concerning Gloria Steinem. And again: this on the occasion of her 50th birthday. This is from Newsweek, the issue of June 4th, 1984. There's an article on Gloria Steinem's 50th birthday. It's very short. It's entitled, "Steinem at 50: Gloria in Excelsis." (And I'm only going to read you one sentence of this article.)
"In previous incarnations, Steinem dated Mike Nichols, Rafer Johnson, and other notables. For the past nine years she has been romantically involved with Washington attorney Stanley Pottinger, a Republican and former Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights."
But he was Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights under the Nixon/Ford administration, from 1973 until 1977. You'll all recall what Nixon's Justice Department was like: both Mr. Kleindeist and John Mitchell were indicted -- Mitchell convicted and Kleindeist eventually... I don't know whether he was convicted and received a suspended sentence, or whether he eventually was acquitted. But half the Nixon Justice Department wound up being indicted on one charge or another, many of them acquitted, most in connection with the Watergate affair. They also presided over COINTELPRO and a number of other interesting things. Surely the Nixon administration has never been regarded as a great champion of civil rights. And a woman like Gloria Steinem, who is at least nominally aligned with a civil rights movement, the feminist movement... Well, her association, her 9-year romantic involvement with Mr. Pottinger, is really intriguing.
Now those of you who listen to Mae Brussell's "World Watcher" series will recall Mae referring very briefly to Mr. Pottinger's [alleged] involvement in an arms smuggling scam. (Research credit for the following article, again, goes to Mr. Ted Rubenstein.)
So much for the freedom loving feminist movement. As its opponents have long known ity is vitriolic in its opposition to freedom, so it's hardly surprising that it was set up by the people behind Pinochet have women raped with dogs in Chile, and Pottinger who covered up assassinations of Chilean dissidents on American soil.
Given that women have got where they are, in terms of the power of the feminist movement, by riding the blacks, it's hardly surprising Steinem was associated with Pottinger, who was part of the Martin Luther King assassination.
Feminism was originally created, in part, to advocate for prohibition, part of the long-term government/ruling-class conspiracy to use organised crime for covert ops.
A quick note on Nazism and feminism:
Simmel was a Nazi philosopher of sorts who believed in the feminine nature of man being a desirable state, rather than the "iron cage" of rationality". Gimbutas was educated by a Nazi ehtnologist, before transforming the ariosophical doctrine into the feminist doctrine with which her name in associated, as noted elsewhere in these Files.
See the Theozoological cosmogeny of tLanz von Liebenfels:
In 1904, he published his book "Theozoologie" ("theozoology") in which he advocated sterilization of the sick and the "lower races" as well as forced labour for "castrated chandals", and glorified the "aryan race" as "Gottmenschen" ("god men"). Lanz justified his neognostic racial ideology by attempting to give it a biblical foundation; according to him, Eve, which he described as initially being divine, involved herself with a demon and gave birth to the "lower races" in the process. Furthermore, he claimed that this led to blonde women being attracted primarily to "dark men", something that only could be stopped by "racial demixing" so that the "aryan-christian master humans" could "once again rule the dark-skinned beastmen" and ultimately achieve "divinity". A copy of this book was sent to Swedish poet August Strindberg, from who Lanz received an enthusiastic reply in which he was described as a "prophetic voice".
I will conclude with the opening words of the Fraud of Feminism by E Belfort Bax:
THE following essay was published at the end of 1913 and is now reissued as originally written. Since the year before the World War the situation of woman has, of course, changed. Feminism in this and in some other countries has won well-nigh all its formal demands. Mr Asquith, who before the war declared he would have nothing to do with a House of Commons elected by a female vote, during the war, for no assignable reason, suddenly made a volte-face [about-face] and became a strong advocate of female franchise. The acquisition of the suffrage has as its result carried with it the right to all occupations and offices, as decreed by the "Sex-Disability Repeal Act," and so the pitch-forking of women into administrative posts proceeds galore. But the main contentions of The Fraud of Feminism have not been affected by the change in question. Though women have been conceded all the rights of men, their privileges as females have remained untouched, while the sentimental "pull" they have over men, and the favouritism shown them in the courts, civil and criminal, often in flagrant violation of elementary justice, continues as before. The result of their position on juries, as evinced in certain trials, has rather confirmed the remarks made in Chapter II. anent hysteria than otherwise. The sex-bias of men in favour of women and the love of the advanced woman towards her sex-self show no sign of abatement. Proposals to the effect that in the event of infanticide by a mother the putative father should be placed in the dock merely because he is a man are received with applause. The other day, at a court held in a fashionable town of the south coast, on a prostitute being brought up charged with soliciting, a female "justice," recently appointed, declaimed against the wickedness of punishing prostitutes for soliciting while men were never brought up charged with the offence. (Needless to say, there was the usual male fool to be found in the body of the court, who shouted: "Hear ! Hear !") Now is it conceivable, I ask, that anybody can be so infatuated with Feminism as not to see that a prostitute who solicits nightly in the exercise of her trade-- i.e . for the purpose of money-making--is in a different position from a man who, once in a way, may, urged by natural passion, make advances to a woman? Such a person must be unable to see distinctions in anything, one would think. Besides, it is not true that men, if charged with the annoyance or molestation of women, cannot be, and have not been, prosecuted for the offence. The lady "justice" in question would probably like to see a man paired with a prostitute in the dock every time the latter gave occasion for police action. Such is the Feminist notion of justice. There are a vast number of men who cultivate the pretence of having a contempt for, or a prejudice against, their own sex. The idea seems to be to pander to the sex-vanity of the "New Woman." Every popular writer caters for this prejudice. No one can have failed to notice the persistent journalistic and literary "stunt" by which the man is portrayed in the light of a miserable and abject living creature as a foil to the "noble animal" woman. There is scarcely a play, short story or novel the plot of which in any way admits of it where this now stale device is not dragged in in some form or shape. Even Shaw, with all his somewhat ostentatious flouting of convention, cannot resist the temptation of yielding to it in one or two of his plays--e.g. Catherine the Great. This sort of thing is not without its influence on the course of justice, as the daily papers still continue to show us. Times have not changed in this respect. The war, which has altered the face of things otherwise and in the matter of the social and political aspect of sex-relations, has been the occasion of revolutionary transformation in the shape of political sex-equality, has left female privilege, civil and criminal, as it was in 1913. There is no indication that the general public has a dawning sense that, to adapt the common metaphor, "What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." Everywhere we hear the same old bogus grievances of the female sex trotted out as crying for remedy, but never the injustice of a man being compelled, whatever his economic position, to keep his wife, while a woman is under no corresponding obligation to keep her husband. No urgency is suggested for removing the anomaly that a husband is amenable for his wife's libels and slanders; none that a boy of fourteen is punishable for a sexual offence to which he has been incited by a girl of sixteen, who gets off scot-free; none that the obligation of a husband, whose wife wishes to bring an action for divorce against him, to furnish her with the money to fight him, should be abolished. On the other hand, every law, every judicial decision, every case in the courts, civil and criminal, that on the most superficial view can be exploited by the conventional Feminist claptrap to prove the wickedness of "man-made law" to woman, is gripped by the beak of the Feminist harpy to help build up her nest of lying sex-prejudice, whence she and her confraternity may sally forth and by their raids on male sentiment not merely help to buttress up existing female privilege, but wherever possible to increase the already one-sided injustice of the law and its administration towards men in the interest of the other sex.
Excellent summary of Steinem's extensive links to US intelligence. More recently evidence has surfaced regarding an operation she ran for the FBI - planting black "feminists" in grassroots African American organizations to break them up: http://rah.posterous.com/black-feminism-the-cia-and-gloria-steinem-fwd
ReplyDeleteI ran across some of these women in Seattle (in the late eighties) while working with a campaign to create an African American museum. I write about it in my recent memoir: THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT: MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE (www.stuartbramhall.com). I currently live in exile in New Zealand.