Wednesday 11 May 2011

misogyny: definitions

Something from one of my ongoing feminism debates, on the nature of misandry and so on:

Looking at the definition of misogyny given by the evil dictionary manufacturers:

"hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women."

Not quite the same as misandry, which is

"Hatred of men."

or even

"an extreme dislike of males, frequently based upon unhappy experience or upbringing. Cf. misogynism."

Now, to me, hatred dislike and mistrust is an odd choice, and one of those things is not like the others, which is mistrust. No doubt would fit in with C_w's position that women are generally thought of as villains. What prompts this is actually this thread, in which Nordic posits that men should not be allowed to investigate child pornography, or possibly to work for the FBI at all as his hyperbole is imprecise, because men are supposedly more likely to look at child pornography in a recreational setting.

That, to my mind, is what being mistrusted and villainised is all about, and it would simply never happen to those kind and nurturing females. No woman was ever moved on, or from, an aeroplane because her booked seat was next to someone else's child and it was just casually assumed that this placed the child in grave peril, but this is a common occurence and official company policy for men, at BA for example. This despite the clear majority of child abuse being perpetrated by women.

Obviously it goes without saying that the middle of this thread was entirely based around arguments over misogyny, dominated by the position that women must be trusted to define what is or is not misogyny, interpreting for us all the meaning of our experiences.

But that's not misandry, as you can see in the dictionary, because only mistrusting women is a sin, mistrusting men is the basis of modern society, whether fear-mongering over rape, or keeping men out of traditional female professions and roles like childcare, or pretending things would somehow magically be better for women or anyone else if more women were in parliament or on corporate boards or indeed the general tolerance for feminism on the sexist assumption that while men may be driven by a lust for power women want only what's best for all, or for their children, or some such rubbish.

Just thought I'd stop taking this sort of talk into that other thread, and tack it onto that villain stuff from this thread.

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