Thursday, 17 March 2011

News from the Eye

Britain sold Libya "spacecraft", according to MoD documents.

The house bought from Prince Andrew for a price well over the odds, which definitely was in no way any sort of bribe, will be turned into a school for impoverished children, in the fullness of time, according to Andrew (and Saif al-Gaddafi)'s friend as quoted in the paper of their friend Lebedev, currently still in default of several thousand million pounds owed to tax-payer owned RBS.

Trouble with LibDems and feminists in the Commons, as a debate timed for international women's day nearly scuppered by life boat talk. Profile of Labour MP from Liverpool, not actually from Liverpool of course, a rich woman who's never heard of Shankly, doesn't know why the locals don't read The Sun and brags about all the jobs she's had.

Blacklists in the Olympic workforce at Skanska.

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